Sunday 2 June 2013

Forest Trees

Forest Trees
Forest Ecosystems are responsible for much of our Climate Physiology. The Ecosystem is a core function of a working Forest.  Forest trees begin  emitting Oxygen soon after planting  However, simply planting trees will not create a working Forest Ecosystem. To accomplish that you must have virtually all the plant species that  Nature provides from the smallest Flowers through woody shrubs and understory trees. Then you add the Birds, Animals and Insects. Only then will the synergy of these elements begin a working Forest Ecosystem ….

The working Forest Ecosystem is a virtual clean climate machine. It Cleans the air removing particulate matter, it cools the air and adds moisture. The Forests absorb existing air separating the elements freeing and releasing the Oxygen, disposing of the minor elements and using the CO2 for food to grow. Even the pollutant nitrogen dioxide (NO2) is absorbed by the enzyme rich soil and released as harmless nitrogen. Forests release water vapor which rises and forms the clouds ...The working Forest Ecosystem, when restored
Humankind derives many benefits from forest ecosystems. Many medicines and pharmaceuticals have been discovered in plants native to forests. Local communities survive on  plants and animals culled from the forests. Products that modern society depends on such as wood, paper and bamboo all originate from forest ecosystems. Many other desirable products such as spices, gums and dyes, even your daily vitamins are also found in forests around the globe. Forests are important to humans for aesthetic reasons as well, and ecotourism is one way to use and promote the protection of forests in a sustainable manner.

A Forest Ecosystem can be as small as a tiny Forest Pool or as large as the entire Forest A Forest Biome is generally larger like the Desert Biome or the National Forest System Biome A Forest Biome designates the area and generally does not contemplate the workings within which is what halting Climate Change is all about. It is the Trees and the Forest Ecosystem that prduces the Oxygen, Removes the particulate matter, cleans,  humidifies and cools the Air.

The Forest emits Water Vapor which rises and forms the Clouds ... This is the beginning of Forest Hydrology ... and our rainfall
 Note: for more on Forest Hydrology click the Climate chg page above for the link.
Our Survivor Tree project is the culmination of over fifty years of research and study. The single mission of this project  is  to provide the missing link and Automate the Synthetic Seed Process over the broad range the broad range of species necessary for reforestation.

Forest Trees

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